Our Writers

Order-Essays.net has achieved the ultimate level of professionalism in the writing service industry. From the beginning, we have strived to provide the best paper writing service to our customers, and we have accomplished that goal. Students may buy a simple custom essay from us online, or may opt for advanced services, such as our dissertation writing service. Our entire essay writing services, including our article writing service and resume writing service, are offered at a comparatively cheap price with no compromise in quality. We are considered to be the best writing service in the industry because we hire the best writers to compose every custom essay from scratch.

Special attention is paid to the quality of each academic paper that we produce!

How Do We Hire Writers?

Since we are the best writing service, we have very high standards for quality. If a candidate wishes to become a writer with Order-Essays, he or she must pass through a rigorous process that includes several difficult writing and proficiency tests. We begin by ascertaining the writer's grasp of the English language - our writing service requires that each writer has to participate in a comprehensive 4-hour test that is based on requirements by The Oxford University Press. We only hire writers that pass this test, because we are concerned about offering the very best paper writing service that money can buy.
Moreover, each writing candidate must also be able to prove he or she is proficient in working in our dissertation writing service department by passing a test that demonstrates his or her knowledge of standard citation styles, such as Turabian, APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and so forth. The last step for consideration for working for our essay writing service is that each candidate must complete a sample writing paper, which is assessed by the Order-Essays.net Writers Department for Evaluation. This might be included in either our article writing service or our research paper writing service.

Our custom written essays are the best that any student can buy online

How is the Writer's Sample Work Evaluated?

Our professional editors check each writer's language skills, including grammar, writing style, and readability. Since we also serve as a research paper writing service, we make certain that every writer understands how to conduct pertinent research and to properly integrate it into his or her work. Every writer is responsible not only for his or her level of English proficiency, but also for a keen understanding of what he or she is writing about, however, expertise in the subjects about which they are asked to write.

Writers' Achievements

Each Order-Essays.net writer is given proper motivation for doing a good job. Our flexible system of Quality Control works to insure that our research paper writing service is the best online. Twice every month, each of our writers is evaluated. A number of random pages are taken from the writing that they complete in recent history, all of which are checked by a professional editor.

Option for Direct Communication with Writers
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Where Do Order-Essays.net Writers hail from?

Our freelance writers hail from all over the world. Each Order-Essays.net writer must demonstrate a skilled command of the English language, and good understanding of other topics, so that all customers can obtain the quality of writing that corresponds to the writing order's academic level. Each Order-Essays.net writer is a native speaker of English, regardless of the country that he or she is from.

How is a customer's order assigned to an Order-Essays.net Writer?

When a customer places an order, we immediately find the writer most suitable to complete it. Our system is constantly being improved so that we can make the perfect matches between writers and assignments. Why not pay a cheap price for our writing service today, and find out how Order-Essays.net can help you bring up your grade point average by providing top quality work at prices that any student can afford?